I would really just like to thank you for the wonderful support you offer with your blog. The past few weeks I've
been scrolling through it as often as possible, reading story upon
story, interview upon interview of people just like [name redacted] and
I. I find it very comforting. The fact that she is my aunt doesn't
frighten me anymore.
I don't think I ever admitted it to her,
but being related somewhat made me scared for myself before.
Experiencing GSA, I think, is both a blessing and a curse in some ways.
The reality I choose to focus on is that I have my love, [name
redacted], and that we share a bond that is so wonderfully strong that
neither of us can fully explain it to anyone who truly knows about us.
That is what matters the most in my heart. We've given up too much for
one another in order for this to work to consider anything else to be a
reason not to love one another and be together.
However, in the back of my mind I feel sad
sometimes knowing that I have to lie to my father if I want him to love
me. I know he would disown me/do everything in his power to make this
miserable for me/try to get us into trouble with the law if I told him.
My relationship with my father hasn't ever been super strong, but we're
finally on speaking terms and he's making an effort to show me he loves
me. In some ways, I feel like I am betraying his trust because I am
lying to him so often. I'm afraid to even tell him I am gay. The fact
that I am in love with my half-aunt has to stay secret for the rest of
my life. I feel sad in my heart that we can't share the amazing truth of
our love for each other with our friends for fear that they will judge
us without ever truly understanding.
Other than [name redacted], there aren't a
lot of people I can trust and talk to openly about my feelings. You may
be just a faceless name on the Internet, but reading your blog has
helped me feel like maybe someday [she] and I will be allowed to freely
and openly love one another without limitation or fear of judgment.
Someday there will be no reason for the fears in my heart, because there
will be no reason to fear. I hope that day comes soon. Someday I hope
[she] and I can openly tell the world the story of our love and how
beautiful it was: how we met, how we fell in love--how I loved her
without even knowing it, and how she loved me before I knew she did--the
hard times, the good times, and the reason all of the trouble was worth
it in the end.
No one will ever love me or understand me
the way she does. The level of trust we have for one another is
immeasurable--if we ever lose the romance in our relationship, we both
trust we can remain supportive and friendly and close, because we are
related. She is my aunt. I will always love her no matter what happens
to us. I can talk to her about anything in the world and I know that she
will listen and she will trust me to listen to her.
I'm incredibly glad she found your blog
all those years ago and became comfortable enough with her attraction to
me to be patient enough to wait for me to realize I loved her back. If
it hadn't been for you, I'm not sure she and I would be in the wonderful
place we are now. Thank you.
Consanguinamorous, polyamorous, and queer people can run into serious legal problems in certain countries. Full Marriage Equality has written some advice for consanguinamorous people, but it needs a serious addendum.
Never, ever, ever say anything to the authorities when you’re being questioned, unless you have a prior written promise of immunity. Remember, from the Miranda warning: “Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
The laws on self-incrimination are different from country to country, so if you're not in the US, look into your country's legal protections. It may save your life, and the lives of your family.
UPDATE: The laws on self-incrimination have changed since this video came out, and the lawyer in it has since released a book called "You Have the Right to Remain Innocent".
I hope this doesn't sound weird and I'm sure you get asked all the time,
but why are you for incestuous / consaguinamory relationships and
marriages? Every example I've ever heard has come from a background of
abuse, or perhaps neglect from parents to have exposure to the outside
world. I want to understand though, I want to understand in what context
you believe this is okay and not abusive, and why you believe that it
should be fought for?
It’s not weird, but others get asked it more than me. Before, people
would just unfollow me. It’s more unusual for someone to ask about it
before passing judgment.
One of the things you should notice is
that there isn’t any child abuse in any of the cases I’ve posted about,
unless I’m taking someone to task for it. I hate the equation of
“incest” (I hate how broadly we use that word) with familial child
abuse, in the same way that I hate how homophobes equate all homosexuals
with men who abuse young boys - and yes, they do make that equation. It
seems that some of my followers can make this distinction, too.
I am tired of people killing themselves or getting murdered by their families.
It sickens me when our society cares more about punishing
non-conformity than helping the victims of real abuse. Our society is
far too prurient. When people celebrate gay men getting married, no-one
seems to get all that confused about the lack of equivalence with adult
men sexually abusing young boys, but if the two are half-siblings,
suddenly it gets extremely confusing for people. It’s totally legal to
return to your home town after college and marry your old teacher, but
if you have sex with a woman who never raised you, but who happened to
have carried you for 9 months, suddenly you’re a sex offender. None of
that sounds sane to me.
What you’re talking about is a major assumption, and it’s one that’s
created by stereotypes perpetuated by our culture and the media. I never
internalized those assumptions. Actually, I think such couples are sweet.
It has also never stopped me from hating child abuse. I know and know
of people who’ve been abused by family, and people who’ve had consensual
sex with family. The two groups don’t negate each other, any more than a
priest having a romantic relationship with another man negates those
boys who’ve been victimized by priests.
And what about cousin couples? They’re not even considered biologically “incestuous”, and we have no natural instincts to prevent attraction to cousins. Most cultures now don’t consider even 1st-cousins to be “incestuous”. Hell, double 1st-cousins are allowed to marry under all Abrahamic
religions, even though double 1st-cousins are as genetically related as
half-siblings. Double 1st-cousin marriage is also allowed in half the
US, and in a majority of countries. I mean, Islam allows it, and Islam is way stricter
about consanguinamory than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism,
etc. The Torah doesn’t even specify a uniform punishment for all types -
siblings who’ve had sex are merely banished. (Also, the Torah allows
for uncles and nieces to marry. Remember that the next time someone
tells you that cousin marriage is “against God” or whatever.)
It’s not like the laws are universal, anyway. What’s considered
“incest” in any given culture has changed drastically over time. Now
Iranians live under Twelver Shi’i shari’ah law (mostly), but in ancient
times marriages to close relatives were venerated as holier than
exogamous marriages. Exposure to Islam and Hinduism has changed modern
Zoroastrianism to forbid such marriages, but 1st-cousin marriages are
still preferred among the Parsis. Before the Romans actively tried to
eliminate the practice, sibling marriage was preferred among the
Egyptians, and as much as a fifth of all marriages were between
siblings. The Romans even used the threat of violence to eliminate the practice from their Kurdish Zoroastrian provinces.
Western imperialists and Christian missionaries later went around the
world and tried their best to eliminate similar practices among those
cultures which had them.
That was, of course, under systems of arranged marriage (though not
all the marriages were necessarily arranged, or unwanted by the
participants). The point is, the prohibition is pretty damn arbitrary,
and always has been. Such couples have existed since the dawn of
humanity, and in most cultures they’ve been hunted down and tortured to death for no other reason than people thought it was “unnatural” and a “bad omen”. Why should nice people, who aren’t even that unusual,
be hunted down like rabid dogs and thrown away for life? Why should
their children be ripped from them and placed in foster homes where they
are actually more likely to be sexually abused? Why should society
waste its time and resources suppressing something that doesn’t need to
be suppressed, to protect nobody, and destroy families that would
otherwise contribute positively to society?
Many countries allow consanguineous sex,
anyway. Last time I checked, Brazil’s problems weren’t because they
allow consensual adults to have sex, or because they allow half-siblings
to marry. France and Japan don’t seem to be falling into ruin.
Australia and England get by while allowing 1st-cousins to marry. I have
yet to see anyone claim that France is a cesspool of child rape.
Historically, “incest” laws were not created with child welfare in mind,
and other laws exist to protect child welfare already. The bigger
problem is how effectively those laws are enforced, and whether they
need to be enforced frequently, both of which are cultural problems
related to the way societies view children and authority figures. I
respect children and don’t blindly accept something from someone with
power. I think that’s more important for preventing the abuse of
children than outlawing consanguinamory.
I can’t possibly reproduce all of my arguments for you here. It would be very, very long. I haven’t even gotten to the psychology of it, nor even the biology of it. Read this; it will help you understand. Maybe read an account or two. Watch a movie or two or three. There
are still plenty of things I haven’t linked to here, regardless.
Similar couples are everywhere, floating around the internet. These are
all just the ones that bother to publicize themselves. Remember that.
Don’t feel bad for asking. At least you care enough to ask.
what is wrong with incest, what is wrong with consensual incest, consensual incest is wrong, consensual incest is rape, all incest is rape, consanguinamory is rape, what is wrong with consanguinamory, consanguinamory is wrong, is incest wrong, is consensual incest wrong, is consanguinamory wrong, is all incest wrong, is incest always wrong, is incest always bad, is consensual incest bad, why consensual incest
"Bean": I am a female artist in my mid-20s, who grew up in the conservative west. [...] I am a bisexual, or perhaps more
accurately, a lesbian with some heterosexual tendencies. I am a woman
with a fair balance of masculine and feminine tendencies; some days I’m
very feminine, other days I’m just one of the guys.
[...] I had a fairly unique upbringing. There
were aspects of my childhood that were typical of most, but the biggest
difference was that I was a secret for the larger portion of my
childhood. This had several effects on my life. I was the result of an
affair my father had with my mother (he was cheating on the mother of my
sister, and one of my brothers). Rather than come clean, my father and
mother both decided that the best solution at the time was to raise me
in secret and separately from my siblings. He would come to see me now
and then, but only under certain circumstances. No one from the family
even knew of my existence until I was about 10-12 years old, but I knew
about them from a very young age. It’s one thing having secrets. It’s a
completely different ballgame to be a secret yourself. [...] "Tortilla": Bean is my half-sister, but I don’t call her that. I call her my sister. Half is good enough to be full! [...] I am ten years older than Bean. I actually
went to law school, so it’s ironic to me to be a lawyer who is breaking
the law with her relationship. [...] I am not married, but I am in a nine-year
long relationship with my boyfriend in addition to my newer relationship
with my sister. My boyfriend and I never planned to marry, and marriage
has always been something that is not important for me personally. But I
think people who are consenting adults who love each other should be
able to declare their family unit legally. [...] I am bisexual, and have realized that
since high school, although I have memories going back to kindergarten
of being attracted to girls in addition to boys. I believe more in
spectrum sexuality than categorical sexuality, and my sense is that most
people are somewhere in the middle rather than exactly at either end of
the spectrum. [...] I also see the masculine and feminine as a
spectrum, and I’d put myself somewhere in the middle of that spectrum
as well. [...] I definitely consider myself a
woman, but I often identify with gender norms of men more often than
women. As for relationship orientation, I consider myself monogamous as
my natural inclination. However, I cannot avoid the reality that I have
two partners: my boyfriend and my sister. So I am acting in a
polyamorous relationship, although I identify as monogamous.
[...] [W]hen Bean turned 18 or 19, I started to
think more about her and wondered about where she was in life and what
she was like. I decided to write her a letter letting her know that I
wanted to get to know my sister, and that there were no personal hard
feelings against her for what our dad had done. I invited her to reach
out when she felt ready to do so. [...]
My blog doesn't usually focus on cousin couples, but I can't help but recommend this movie. It's
from the same director and the same writer who did "The Last King of
Scotland". It's about an OCD American girl sent off by her father to
live with her aunt and cousins in England. She falls in love with her
oldest cousin... and then a nuclear bomb goes off. It's like a teen romance version of "The Road". I have never seen a
movie which makes England look as beautiful as this movie does. I
really, really like this movie.
Edit: I'd just like to point out that if this were a case of reunited half-siblings, nothing would actually be different about the story, except that the main character would be possibly even more reluctant to start her relationship. What if instead of her cousins, they were her half-siblings by the same mother, and her father got her in the divorce and took her to the US. What about the story would actually change? You wouldn't even expect the others to react any differently, because they're young and extremely bohemian, and would probably still take it in stride. The film would just lose a little bit of the moments concerning her mother, and so she'd lose a little bit of her driving back story. Her relationship with her mother is only briefly talked about, however, and she never got to know her mother well. So not that much, really.
A young woman confessed that she was in love with her brother and that she is carrying his baby. 24-year-old Akpan and 25-year-old Ime, who are siblings, went a little
too far by having unprotected sex with each other, police in Nigeria
said. The incident occurred in Ajegunle State, where the family lives. During
the day, the two were usually home alone as their parents and other
siblings went out to work on the farm. When Ime’s mother suspected that she was pregnant, she asked her
daughter to identify the father of the unborn child, but she refused. Last Friday, at 4:00 a.m., the father woke up his wife and two children,
and began talking about Ime’s pregnancy. Suddenly, the father pulled
out a machete and threatened to cut his daughter if she did not tell him
who the father of the child is. Fearing for her life, Ime admitted to being in love with her brother,
and that they regularly have sex. Police were notified, and the two were
arrested and charged with incest.
If you could go back in time to where it all started and
have the knowledge you do now about what lay ahead of you in this thing
called incest, would you still go through with it??
I've thought
about it many times, and the answer i come up is yes i would, sure there
are many tears and hard times you go through, but for
me the good has always outweighed the bad, life is what you make of it,
and we've made a very good life for ourselves....
spite of all the difficulties, I'd do it all the same way. This kind of
love is so much deeper and comfortable and intense than anything
I've experienced with other people. It's just that worth it, in my
I could go back in time, knowing what I now know, I would have gladly
lost my virginity to uncle. [FYI, her uncle is only a year older than
her.] We had the opportunity when I was 16
and I bottled it and I do regret that. I feel I have wasted too many
years worrying about possible consequences and I'm kicking myself! I'm
just enjoying making up for lost time with my darling. We can't meet up
very often so every second is precious with him but we email every day
and telephone every week. He truly makes my heart leap for joy.
I could go back to that time, knowing what I know now, I would not have
been so concerned about the rest of the world. Not so worried
about what they would think or say or do. I would have more trust in my
love and my own feelings. We wasted so many years of our life, stuck,
not being together and longing for each other. We were not following our
hearts. Now, being without her would be the most horrible form of hell I
can imagine.
not always fun and games, but I've never regretted it. We've had a lot
of good times together and I look forward to many, many more special
memories.It's great to be with someone who I can experience that deep
emotional connection with. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This is an excellent piece. I'm glad that I could have such a positive impact on changing someone's world view. That is, after all, the point of this blog.
“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You
take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe
whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and stay in
Wonderland, and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
The Matrix
Perfect metaphor for where this article is going to go. If you want
to swallow the blue pill and keep on with your same views of Norma and
Norman Bates, now’s the time to do it. Go ahead. Take the blue pill.
Otherwise, we’ll be venturing into the underground and exploring a taboo
that runs under the surface of things in this series. We’ll be getting
up close and intimate with it. I can’t and don’t want to resist taking
the red pill when it comes to topics like this. I want to put them under
a magnifying glass. Last chance.
[...] I am currently
legally married. We have lived separate lives and have not had intimacy
in over five. We have separate rooms, etc. It’s a platonic co-parenting
situation with the father of my two daughters [preteen/early teen]. I consider myself bisexual although I'm not a fan of labels.
[...] I had zero idea he ever
existed until I was told at age thirty-nine. I was lied to my whole life
by my mother who told me my my custodial dad was my biological dad, who
committed suicide when I was eleven. My mom died in 2008 and never
uttered a word about my biological father and two half-brothers. My
childhood was very strange due to both parents being mentally ill. All
my life I questioned and just "felt" my dad was not biological dad.
[...] The sexual attraction
was instant for both of us. The night after I found out he was my
brother I started looking at photos of him. I found myself becoming
sexually aroused and was up all night with very confusing thoughts. The
next day we talked and he also reported feeling similar feelings. We met
physically on that Monday and within an hour of meeting we couldn’t
keep our hands off each other. That night we did everything but full sex
due to his feelings of being uncomfortable. I absolutely would have
done it that night.
[...] After leaving my wife, I moved from the
west side of the state to the east side to be close to my sister. I
currently have roommates and am pleased with my location and the freedom
for my sister and I to enjoy my environment stress-free. My roommates
have no idea that we are related and have not questioned the fact that
we look like each other.
[...] I would describe my sexual
orientation as heterosexual but bi-curious. I have acted on the latter
but it’s definitely not for me. I would consider myself highly
open-minded however.
[...] I first saw a photo of my
sister after my Dad passed away and I was informed of her. I found her
on Facebook. I was told not to contact her and so I abided by the
family’s wishes. Her picture was amazing, I could see that she looked
like me and sensed that we would be a lot alike. What I saw though was my little sister and I had no sexual undertones at all at seeing her picture initially.
Interestingly, as I mourned my Dad, I had a
tremendous amount of joy learning of my sister, who I then had to mourn
because I couldn’t contact her. Eventually, however, I was told that
outside contact was made with her and basically the ok was given to meet
her. We contacted via Facebook and, later that
evening, by phone. [...] A couple days later, I volunteered that I was
having strange feelings and she stopped me mid-sentence and told me she
knew exactly what I was going to say and that she was feeling the same.
[...] Obviously, I knew the [...] stereotypes of incestuous back-wood hicks. I never knew such
perfect love was possible. [...] My opinion
about family members who engage in this is similar to yours. You can’t
help who you fall in love with. I didn’t look for this; it looked for
me! It landed right in my lap, thank God! Exactly when I needed it, too!
[...] My role in this
relationship is as follows: Brother, Lover, Boyfriend, surrogate Father
(I have to show her who my Dad was) and absolute Best Friend. In the
future it will be Husband. Our birth certificates show different
Fathers. All of these roles are wrapped into one. Frankly, I don’t give a
f--- what the government thinks because they’re ignorant and always
have been. We have been together for two months and it feels like forty years…in a good way. I see us both as family and lovers.
[...] Not one person in my life
knows the full true nature. I use an allegory of a cliff. I can take a
few to the edge of the cliff, letting them know that I’m attracted to
her but denying any sort of sexual activity, but I will not go over the
edge with them. I prefer it that way with my family and friends. The
ones that I have told have an understanding of it and one even gave us a
safe place to spend time with each other in the beginning. Despite
being male-female versions of each other, we act as a couple in public
unless there is a chance that we may run into people we know. We
realized that people will not be scrutinizing us because they are
concerned with their own lives. In addition, if they did comment, it’s a
known fact that people tend to date those that look familiar. We can
also prove that we have different fathers on the birth certificate if it
were ever to be pressed by others who doubt.
[...] I think of her best
friend, despite knowing the GSA information and actually letting us know
about it, is vehemently opposed to our relationship. She has said the
most evil, vile and disgusting things about me without ever meeting me. I
just refer to her and people like her as Plebians. They are ignorant
scum and have no idea what this experience feels like. On the other hand
there are those within her circle who can accept and intellectualize
what is happening.
[...] I have no doubt that we are going to get married whether or not it is legal. F--- them!
I believe very few animals have faithful lifelong monogamous
relationships. I believe there’s probably some evolutionary basis for
non-monogamy. I also think social customs are natural, and our social
customs lean towards monogamy. But I also don’t think we should
unquestioningly participate in social customs. And I don’t think
something being natural makes it good, better, or right. Mostly I just
think this is totally the wrong question to ask. Or at least it doesn’t
mean anything about how humans should act. And if we were going to look
at how relationships used to work as a model for how relationships
should work now, I think we’d really have to recognize the huge ways
that contemporary monogamous and non-monogamous relationships are both
really new inventions and kind of incredibly similar.
As I usually point out, what is “natural” is an interesting idea, but
considering we’re using high tech electronics and communications to
discuss this, clearly things that aren’t natural can be fine to enjoy.
I’m polyamorous, but I also support people who want monogamy or no
relationship at all.
We can’t look at the reproductive strategies of other species. We really can’t. Many birds, for example, are more monogamous than humans. Geese and
albatrosses do not mate again if their first mate died. Ironically, the
incidence of constitutional homosexuality is higher in extremely monogamous birds than in other animals. Female house cats, on the other hand? Sluts. A female house cat, left
to herself, will have as much sex as possible with as many different
males as she can catch while in heat. Unless humans intervene, it’s normal for the kittens in a littler to have two or three different fathers between them.
These are reproductive strategies. They have nothing to do with
morality and nothing to do with the complex issues surrounding human
sexuality. The thing is that as sentient beings we can change our strategies for
survival culturally. This includes our reproductive strategies. We
tend, as a species, to lean towards semi-monogamous pairings. But we
will cheerfully switch to polygamy or polyandry if those prove to be
better reproductive strategies. There are tribes in Tibet that practice
polyandry as a way of keeping the population down - only some females
get to breed, the rest get to be nuns. They live in a very marginal
habitat for homo sapiens and just can’t afford to produce many children.
Meanwhile, the Mormons practiced polygamy on the frontier because it
was dangerous - so they protected the fertile females - so they ended up
with more women than men. Reproductive strategies.
In a high tech society that does not favor one strategy over
another, the individual variances that lead to these strategies start to
be highlighted. Polyamory is not favored over monogamy, so we see
different individuals practicing both, and each is doing what is perfectly natural for them.
Imagine being in a serious relationship with your husband, a
boyfriend, a girlfriend and dating around on the side -- that's
polyamory. It's not new, but is infiltrating tech culture.
The anthropologist they consult is surprisingly ignorant on the
subject. Has it never occurred to her that people feel obligated to
construct monogamous relationships only, and thus hiding and cheating
become common? And what does she count as failure? Most monogamous
couples break up, but that never becomes a sign that monogamy itself was
the problem. If you have multiple partners, just by probability you're
more likely to experience at least one breakup: there are more people to
break up with! But polyamorous relationships usually don't explode the
way monogamous ones do, because the participants (if they're doing it
right) have already established open lines of communication.
I don't entirely agree with the definition of polygamy here. It's true
that it's a legal term, but the fact that most people who officially
adopt it are religious polygynists is a cultural fluke. The fact is, if
you're a poly woman living with two guys, one is your legal husband, and
you've had a non-legal marriage ceremony with the other guy, and you
all live together, y'all are as polygamous as any Fundamentalist Mormon.
A 19-year-old teenager in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe, has been
arrested and convicted for impregnating his 16-year-old younger sister.
The sister was also given a jail term after it was established that the
two siblings were committingincest.
to court reports, Knowledge Mavhika, 19, proposed to make love to his
16-year-old sister and she accepted. The two were involved in a
relationship and slept together several times before the girl became
pregnant. Her grandmother Rumbidzai Ganyani, demanded to know who the
father was. She was shocked to learn that her own grandson was
responsible. The grandmother took the matter to the police and the girl
was taken to a
hospital for a medical examination. The two were arrested.
was sentenced to 12 months in prison six of which were suspended for
five years on condition that he does not commit a similar offense. The
other six months were suspended on condition he performs 210 hours of
community service. The
girl was sentenced to five months in prison, which was suspended for
three years on condition that she does not commit a similar offense.
to point out, the age of consent in Zimbabwe is 16, and they would be
legal regardless under Romeo laws like those in New York.
Dani, and Melinda are a polyamorous family, which means that they all
believe in having more than one partner. The trio and their two children
all live under the same roof, with all three parents sharing every
aspect of parenthood, from nighttime feeds to diaper changes.
might seem strange to a lot of people, but to us it makes perfect
sense,' Melinda, 28, who runs her own healing company, East-West
Collaborative Health, told Daily Mail Online. 'We all love each other
and it was our dream to fall pregnant at the same time. Unlike
conventional couples who are sleep deprived when a newborn comes along,
there are three of us to take it in turns on the night shift. We
breastfeed each others babies, split the finances three ways and the
housework too. Even sex is great as if one person is not feeling up for it, then there are two other people to choose from.'
A woman accused of having an illegal
sexual relationship with her father is in custody after an arrest
warrant was issued last week. Chalena Mae Moody, 25, had not appeared for
her scheduled court date on Feb. 25 to face a felony charge of incest,
after it was discovered by Springfield police late last year that she
and her father had been involved in a relationship that resulted in two
The couple previously lived in Springfield but moved to Klamath Falls last year. Moody was booked into the Lane County Jail
just after 3 p.m. Wednesday on the incest charge. She also was booked on
two Lincoln County warrants alleging harassment and reckless
endangerment. It was unclear whether Moody turned herself in Wednesday or was caught by police.
Meanwhile, Moody’s father, Eric Gates, 49,
on Monday was sentenced to six months in jail for ignoring a Lane County
Circuit Court judge’s previous order to avoid all contact with Moody.
Gates, who pleaded guilty to incest, was initially sentenced to
probation but was discovered last month by his probation officer to be
living with Moody.
I agree that it's unfortunate the children have some developmental problems, but how can further complicating their lives, and denying them a household with their own two parents, actually be the best thing for them?
Even if a democratic state did have a legitimate interest in controlling people's reproduction, the father's come forward with his willingness to get a vasectomy. The only problem is clearly that the judge does not want them having sex or even living with each other. What kind of unjustified prurience is that?
What a disgrace. Just give them back their children, let him get his vasectomy, and let them be. There's no legitimate reason for any other course of action.
friend and his sister had too close of a relationship for a brother and
sister so we all thought. In our circle of close friends thought they
were a little weird together. Their body language showed so much
attraction to each other it was a little obvious something weird was
going on between them. He had a girlfriend who apparently cheated on him
and gave him an STD. It was a very short time later his sister had the
same STD and he dumped his girlfriend. It really raised eyebrows among
us but we kept our suspicion quiet between us.
Then came the day we all
went camping, he had an old hippie van he used as a camper. With him and
his sister in there alone, it was early in the morning the sun was up
it was a beautiful day. My girlfriend were sitting at the picnic table
making coffee with another couple who were married. That hippie van
started rocking and squeaking, then it stopped and now she was moaning
loud. We were laughing as quietly as we could in disbelief of what we
thought was happening in there right in front of us, guess they thought
we were all still asleep. The married girl from the other couple went
over and took a quick peek in the back uncovered window, she quietly
came back and said he was giving her oral sex. Even though we kind of
knew, now we really knew they were in fact going at it together.
never said a word to them about it but keeping a strait face could be
difficult. Funnier is he and his sister bought a house together and live
together in another state. We're all willing to bet they pretend to be
married but we don't know that for sure. We do know that they have had a
long incestual relationship for a fact.
a couple isn't all that afraid, and can be as indiscreet as any normal
couple might be. (It's rare. Most of the one's who are that blatant get
arrested, from what I've seen.) I'm glad their friends were actual friends and didn't get them in trouble.
The comments give a brief moment of whiplash:
I have a sister I would like to do that with and live happily ever after :) Do they have kids now? what do their parents say?
Not surprising. I would bet that a majority of people who experience such attractions never act on them.
This is either a b******* post or theres some mighty sick people who do this. I'd report them.