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Monday, June 1, 2015

Being the child of a poly family in a mono world

A really important testimonial from Tumblr. The argument for the equality of all families is right here:
The question I get asked most often is, “You have, like, three parents? Well, which mom is your real mom?”. Most of the time I just laugh at their tiny brains and tell them, “They’re both my real moms.” Anyone raised in a polyamorous house will understand the struggle of existing in a non-polyamorous world. So here I am, constantly in fear that one day the wrong person will find out and everything will fall to pieces. At the moment the only people that know, are our family doctor, my riding instructor, Dax’s boyfriend, a handful of family acquaintances, and my three sets of grandparents. Out of my grandparents only two pairs (Mama’s and Dad’s) are speaking to us.
The reason I hate the “which mom is your real mom” question so much is because you’re basically saying that one of my parents isn’t really my parent. Which is such BULL! Just because Mum didn’t physically push me out of her does not mean in anyway that she is not my mother. She’s the one that helps with my math homework, cause Lord knows that Mama and Dad are completely useless at it. She’s the one we all go to for relationship advice. The thought of not having her is completely horrible. The same goes for my siblings. Dax and I are from Mama and Dad and Bray and Tobe are from Mum and Dad. I don’t think it ever occurred to us that one of our moms wasn’t our “real” mom.
For the most part we’re pretty quiet about our family. Were all blonde so no matter which parent we’re with, we’re pretty easy to pass off. The trouble comes when we’re out to dinner and the waiter asks where Mama’s husband is. It takes every ounce of self-control for me to not yell that he’s sitting two seats over, next to their wife. Of course I keep my mouth shut because unfortunately my family is taboo. Or unnatural. Or sacrilegious. Or going to emotionally scar my siblings and I. Whatever. I can tell you that we’re doing just fine. I can tell you that I’ve seen kids living in pretty shitty situations involving two hetero parents. So what that there are three adults in a monogamous relationship raising their four children? None of us are doing drugs. None of us are prostitutes. None of us have ever been abused. Why is it any of your business?
The one thing that I know is true above anything else is that my parents love me and they love each other. No matter what you say, my family is pretty special. And we’re doing just fine.

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